Wednesday, January 28, 2009

ok so....crazy seems to be the operative word!!

ummmm so lets see my life right now is CrAzY!!!!! i'm workin crazy hours, feeling crazy, and my child yea shes pretty much crazy!!!! but you know quite honestly i cant say i'd have it any other crazy as it all is i'm happier than i have been in a really really really long time!!! chris (my love) is amazing i couldnt ask for better...when i'm with him all is right with the world for a day or two...we were together before once upon a time...but things happen for a reason....or at least thats what i choose to believe....we came back across each other by chance...who would have thunk it...i sure wouldnt have love was the farthest thing from my mind...on feb 25,2008 someone who i thought cared about me just as much as i cared about him pretty much crushed me...the sad thing is he was on his second chance and i can honestly say i knew better...anyways..after that i was done with guys for awhile...but oh no fate had a better plan...that old sayin things will fall apart so other things can fall into place..yea i'm a believer now!!!on feb 28 chris pretty much fell back into my pun intended...and that night we hung out again after all those years....oh my yea all those feelings that i'd pushed down for 7 years yea they all came to the surface and pretty quickly at that...i quickly realized that after all these years i had never gotten over him no matter how friggin hard i tried....he was always there in the back of my heart and mind...the crazy thing is here it is almost a year later and it has flown by!!! I LOVE HIM!!!! i love everything about to sophie he's my world...and i cant wait till the day that i'm his mrs!!! well i suppose i'm done rambling for now!!!